Pilates for MS Relief

Pilates can help chronic pain ease in a number of medical conditions

Multiple Sclerosis - Focus on stability and core muscle strength to improve balance, movement and the risk of falling.

Pilates helps to reduce pain and fatigue, cognitive problems and performance which increase awareness of body position. improve walking distance. enhance overall well-being and quality of life.

The program's focus on stability and core muscle strength is good for improving balance and movement. Pilates also helps to reduce fatigue, a common symptom of MS.

#multiplesclerosis #ms #pilatesms #pilateslondon

Sandy Donnelly
Pilates for sciatica

Sciatica is pain caused by an irritated nerve. It's felt from your bottom down to your feet and toes.

Sciatica is due to something pressing or rubbing on the sciatic nerve. The most common cause is a slipped disc in your spine.

The sciatic nerve is the largest peripheral nerve in the body. It starts around the lower back and runs down the back of the leg

Pilates for Sciatica.jpg

Symptoms of sciatica include shooting pain in your bottom and the backs of your legs.

Treatment for sciatica includes exercise, stretches and painkillers.

PILATES help relieve sciatica by mobilising the sciatic nerve and improving lower back flexibility, teaching you how to correct movement dysfunctions and offload structures that are causing compression of the sciatic nerve. It will strengthen the muscles that support your lower back and reduce pain. It is a very effective treatment for sciatica, as It doesn't place too much pressure on your body.


People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.

Start your day With gratitude.

1. Tell someone you love them and how much you appreciate them.

2. Notice the beauty in nature each day.

Nurture the friendships you have, good friends don’t come along every day.

3. Smile more often.

4. Watch inspiring videos that will remind you of the good in the world.

5. Include an act of kindness in your life each day.

6. Call your parents/loved ones more often.

7. Volunteer for organizations that help others.

8. Don’t gossip or speak badly about anyone.

9. Spend quality time with your children

10. Compliment your friends and family when they look good.

11. Write a card to someone you haven’t seen in a while and tell them something nice.

12. When you think a negative thought, try to see the positive side in the situation.

13. Commit to one day a week when you won’t complain about anything.

#gratitude #gratefulheart #thankfulgratefulblessed

Sandy Donnelly
Pilates for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

Pilates for RSI Repetitive Strain Injury

Working from home or on a computer for many hours, will cause strain on the wrist, fingers, elbow and shoulders

We will focus on a number of neck stretches, wrist, finger and hand exercises, spine roll downs and chest openers, chest openers for shoulder blades, plus core strength work, to help with your posture.

If it goes untreated, RSI can lead to permanent damage.

Pilates is great for targeting certain muscles, recovering from injury and overall core strength and flexibility.

#RSI #repetitivestraininjury #pilatesreformer #pilatesforposture #sandydonnelly

Sandy Donnelly
Healthy Valentines Gift


VIP 1-2-1

Resilience Health Retreat

Structured to help people improve their ability to overcome challenges through the pandemic and create a personal plan to optimise their lives by achieving better Mental and Physical Health


2 Hour interactive Zoom


• Resilience Exercises

• Juice Benefits

• Pilates

• Condition your Nutrition

• Personal Plan

Special offer £100 OFF



#valentinesgifts #healthgoals #resiliencetraining #detoxyourbody #ValentinesDay2021


VIP 1:2:1 Personalised Resilience Retreat

2 Hour Zoom call

Your Health Journey to Resilience provides a holistic approach structured to help people improve their ability to overcome challenges faced through these unusual times.

We will create a positive personalised plan to optimise lives through Nutrition and Wellbeing Therapies making a positive impact by achieving better Mental and Physical Health.

Build the foundations of Self Care over 2 hours at your convenience.


~ Juicing Benefits - We will make Immune Boosting juices together and learn the nutritional health benefits.

Resilience Exercises

• Daily Positive Emotions

• Calm your Body & Mind

• Stress Reliever

Pilates - Focus on positive posture and core to help support resilience in everyday life.

Mindfulness Meditation

Personalised Meal Plan- Based on your likes/dislikes, budget and lifestyle

Action Plan - Support, motivate and continue your health journey. Weekly calls for 4weeks

#virtualretreat #sandydonnelly #resiliencecoach #vipretreat #juicingforhealth #detoxyourbody #positivemindset

Building Physical and Mental Resilience through Lockdown

One of the best ways to stay on top of Mental Health during lockdown is through exercise. The pandemic is a tough time, so self care is important more than ever for our emotional, physical and mental wellbeing,

The definition of Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. In other words to bounce back, and it is this quality that allows us to overcome the challenges we have faced and are still facing through the pandemic, instead of allowing it to defeat us. We cannot lose hope and must remain optimistic that we will get through this.

We want people to practice self care

  1. Setting realistic, achievable and measurable goals

  2. Understanding and avoiding negative self-talk

  3. Developing and focusing on interpersonal skills,

    Physical activity is as good for the brain as it is for the body

    Regular exercise or activity will have a major impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. Physical activity releases powerful chemicals called endorphins, that increase energy and lift your mood. If you are not a fan of exercise, find an activity, you enjoy, walking, cycling, anything that gets you moving, will make a big difference to your mental and motional wellbeing.


    Juicing daily, will give your body a blast of vitamins, proteins, omega-3, and omega -6 fatty acids, micronutrients, and so much more. Your body needs all these things, to thrive, heal, and detox. Coping with stress in a positive way is known as resilience.


    Hydrating the body Increases Energy and relieves Fatigue. Your brain is made up of 80% Water, drinking plenty helps you think, focus and concentrate. Flushes out toxins, promotes weightloss and maintains regularity.

    Brain Healthy Diet

    An unhealthy diet can take a toll on your brain and mood, reduce your energy levels, disrupt your sleep, and weaken your immune system. A wholesome diet, rich in healthy fats, avoiding processed foods can increase energy and lift your mood.

    • Fatty fish rich in Omega-3s such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, tuna.

    • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts.

    • Avocados.

    • Flaxseed.

    • Beans.

    • Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, Brussel’s sprouts.

    • Fresh fruit such as blueberries.

Juice Detox Virtual Retreat

Transform your health by getting a juicer! Juicing is the fastest way to get nutrients into your body Juicing increases consumption of fruits and vegetables, and enhanced absorption of nutrients and minerals. Juicing extracts all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables for you, saving your body energy because it doesn’t have to break down all the food itself.  It can absorb the juice quickly and use its saved energy to heal and repair. Even if you already follow a healthy diet, juicing makes sure your cells and blood are getting all they need to stay clean, hydrated and nourished.


Green Machine

Aids digestion, weight loss, boosts immunity and reduces inflammation

  • Kale

  • 2 Green Apples

  • 2 Sticks of Celery

  • 1 Cucumber



Rich in Vitamins, Beta-Carotenes and Anti Oxidants that cleanse the digestive system from toxins

  • 3 Carrots

  • 2 apples

  • 1-2 Inch Ginger



Vitamin C boost Immunity, natural antibiotic that improves liver function, relieves constipation, and can help dissolve kidney and gall stones.

  • 2 Apples

  • 2 Inch Ginger

  • Lemon


Detox heart, Spinach full of Vit K, supports bone health, reduce high sugar and blood pressure.

  • 1 Cucumber

  • 1/4 Lemon

  • 2 Pears

  • Spinach


Fire it up!

Beetroot cleanses the blood, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure, Iron, Vitamin C, numerous health benefits.

  • 2-3 Raw Beets

  • 2 Apples

  • 1/4 Lemon