Posts tagged mental wellbeing
Good Mental Health

When we are mentally healthy, we enjoy our life and environment, and the people in it. We can be creative, learn, try new things, and take risks. We are better able to cope with difficult times in our personal and professional lives.

Poor mental health makes us more vulnerable to certain physical health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Nurturing our mental health can also help prevent the development of mental illnesses. Good mental health helps us have a more positive outlook and enjoy our lives more.

When you do physical activity your brain releases endorphins which help to lift your mood and also give you energy. Regular exercise can also help you to sleep better and feel more at one with yourself.

Building Physical and Mental Resilience through Lockdown

One of the best ways to stay on top of Mental Health during lockdown is through exercise. The pandemic is a tough time, so self care is important more than ever for our emotional, physical and mental wellbeing,

The definition of Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. In other words to bounce back, and it is this quality that allows us to overcome the challenges we have faced and are still facing through the pandemic, instead of allowing it to defeat us. We cannot lose hope and must remain optimistic that we will get through this.

We want people to practice self care

  1. Setting realistic, achievable and measurable goals

  2. Understanding and avoiding negative self-talk

  3. Developing and focusing on interpersonal skills,

    Physical activity is as good for the brain as it is for the body

    Regular exercise or activity will have a major impact on mental and emotional wellbeing. Physical activity releases powerful chemicals called endorphins, that increase energy and lift your mood. If you are not a fan of exercise, find an activity, you enjoy, walking, cycling, anything that gets you moving, will make a big difference to your mental and motional wellbeing.


    Juicing daily, will give your body a blast of vitamins, proteins, omega-3, and omega -6 fatty acids, micronutrients, and so much more. Your body needs all these things, to thrive, heal, and detox. Coping with stress in a positive way is known as resilience.


    Hydrating the body Increases Energy and relieves Fatigue. Your brain is made up of 80% Water, drinking plenty helps you think, focus and concentrate. Flushes out toxins, promotes weightloss and maintains regularity.

    Brain Healthy Diet

    An unhealthy diet can take a toll on your brain and mood, reduce your energy levels, disrupt your sleep, and weaken your immune system. A wholesome diet, rich in healthy fats, avoiding processed foods can increase energy and lift your mood.

    • Fatty fish rich in Omega-3s such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, tuna.

    • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts.

    • Avocados.

    • Flaxseed.

    • Beans.

    • Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, Brussel’s sprouts.

    • Fresh fruit such as blueberries.

Juice Detox Virtual Retreat

Transform your health by getting a juicer! Juicing is the fastest way to get nutrients into your body Juicing increases consumption of fruits and vegetables, and enhanced absorption of nutrients and minerals. Juicing extracts all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables for you, saving your body energy because it doesn’t have to break down all the food itself.  It can absorb the juice quickly and use its saved energy to heal and repair. Even if you already follow a healthy diet, juicing makes sure your cells and blood are getting all they need to stay clean, hydrated and nourished.


Green Machine

Aids digestion, weight loss, boosts immunity and reduces inflammation

  • Kale

  • 2 Green Apples

  • 2 Sticks of Celery

  • 1 Cucumber



Rich in Vitamins, Beta-Carotenes and Anti Oxidants that cleanse the digestive system from toxins

  • 3 Carrots

  • 2 apples

  • 1-2 Inch Ginger



Vitamin C boost Immunity, natural antibiotic that improves liver function, relieves constipation, and can help dissolve kidney and gall stones.

  • 2 Apples

  • 2 Inch Ginger

  • Lemon


Detox heart, Spinach full of Vit K, supports bone health, reduce high sugar and blood pressure.

  • 1 Cucumber

  • 1/4 Lemon

  • 2 Pears

  • Spinach


Fire it up!

Beetroot cleanses the blood, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure, Iron, Vitamin C, numerous health benefits.

  • 2-3 Raw Beets

  • 2 Apples

  • 1/4 Lemon