Posts tagged detox retreat
Juice Detox Virtual Retreat

Transform your health by getting a juicer! Juicing is the fastest way to get nutrients into your body Juicing increases consumption of fruits and vegetables, and enhanced absorption of nutrients and minerals. Juicing extracts all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables for you, saving your body energy because it doesn’t have to break down all the food itself.  It can absorb the juice quickly and use its saved energy to heal and repair. Even if you already follow a healthy diet, juicing makes sure your cells and blood are getting all they need to stay clean, hydrated and nourished.


Green Machine

Aids digestion, weight loss, boosts immunity and reduces inflammation

  • Kale

  • 2 Green Apples

  • 2 Sticks of Celery

  • 1 Cucumber



Rich in Vitamins, Beta-Carotenes and Anti Oxidants that cleanse the digestive system from toxins

  • 3 Carrots

  • 2 apples

  • 1-2 Inch Ginger



Vitamin C boost Immunity, natural antibiotic that improves liver function, relieves constipation, and can help dissolve kidney and gall stones.

  • 2 Apples

  • 2 Inch Ginger

  • Lemon


Detox heart, Spinach full of Vit K, supports bone health, reduce high sugar and blood pressure.

  • 1 Cucumber

  • 1/4 Lemon

  • 2 Pears

  • Spinach


Fire it up!

Beetroot cleanses the blood, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure, Iron, Vitamin C, numerous health benefits.

  • 2-3 Raw Beets

  • 2 Apples

  • 1/4 Lemon

Dubai Detox retreat
Dubai Detox retreat.jpg

Dubai Detox Retreat Is it possible? Yes it is.

Join us for a 5 day deluxe detox in Dubai 25th-29th November Delicious organic detox menu combined with daily Pilates and meditation. Hike in Ras Tanura with plenty of daily relaxation around the pool or on the beach.


Just what we all need.

More details to follow.

£1200 plus flight


#dubairetreat #healthretreats #sandydonnelly #successwithsandy

Roast Cauliflower Bites

You’re going to love this easy tasty Roast Cauliflower Bites


• Large Cauliflower

• 2 tbsp tahini

• 2 tbsp lemon juice

• 2 tsp water

• 1/2 tsp cumin powder, paprika, dried oregano, garlic powder

•1/4 tsp turmeric powder

• Salt & Pepper


Preheat the oven to 350ºF or 180ºC.

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl

2. Trim base of the cauliflower

3. Rub marinade over the cauliflower, place on a lined baking sheet and bake for 50-60 minutes or until golden brown.

4. Optional Top with some chopped fresh parsley and almond flakes

#easyvegetarian #vegantreats #cauliflowerbites #successwithsandy #healthysnacks

Belly Fat

Belly fat is Bad fat!

A waist circumference of more than 40 inches (men) 35 inches for women, means you are at a higher risk for heart disease, cancer and dementia.

Visceral fat, it is stored mostly inside the abdominal cavity, where it wraps around the internal organs, including the heart. ❤️, liver, pancreas and kidneys.

Causes damage to blood vessel linings, belly fat is a metabolically active tissue that secretes harmful inflammatory substances that can contribute to a variety of health problems.

People with an apple 🍏body shape are far more likely to die of heart attacks than those with a pear shape🍐

How to lose belly fat

Read more


Cut The Crap!

Eliminating Processed Food from Your Diet will give you more energy, help lose weight and clean out your system.

Start slowly.

1. Supplement your meals with fresh foods.

2. Reduce Sugar and Salt

3. Drink more water.

4. Choose whole grains over processed grains.

5. Read the food label on all packaged foods.

6. Eat whole fruits and vegetables.

7. Avoid or eat minimally processed protein

8. Prepare healthy snacks.

9. Avoid fast foods.

What will happen to you?

• Regulate Blood sugar levels

• Increase fiber helping to flush out toxins and regulate bowel movement!

• Clearer skin, anti ageing from antioxidant intake

• Increased energy

• Healthier immune system

• Weightloss

Processed foods to avoid.

• Breakfast cereals

• Cheese

• Tinned vegetables

• Bread

• Savoury snacks, such as crisps, sausage rolls, pies and pasties.

• Meat products, such as bacon, sausage, ham, salami and paté

• Convenience foods", such as microwave meals or ready meals.

• Cakes and biscuits.

• Sugary, can drinks

• Limit alcohol intake

Cut The Crap

Cut The Crap!

Eliminating Processed Food from Your Diet will give you more energy, help lose weight and clean out your system.

Start slowly.

1. Supplement your meals with fresh foods.

2. Reduce Sugar and Salt

3. Drink more water.

4. Choose whole grains over processed grains.

5. Read the food label on all packaged foods.

6. Eat whole fruits and vegetables.

7. Avoid or eat minimally processed protein

8. Prepare healthy snacks.

9. Avoid fast foods.

What will happen to you?

• Regulate Blood sugar levels

• Increase fiber helping to flush out toxins and regulate bowel movement!

• Clearer skin, anti ageing from antioxidant intake

• Increased energy

• Healthier immune system

• Weightloss

Processed foods to avoid.

• Breakfast cereals

• Cheese

• Tinned vegetables

• Bread

• Savoury snacks, such as crisps, sausage rolls, pies and pasties.

• Meat products, such as bacon, sausage, ham, salami and paté

• Convenience foods", such as microwave meals or ready meals.

• Cakes and biscuits.

• Sugary, can drinks

• Limit alcohol intake

Random Acts of Kindness

​Random Acts of Kindness can brighten someone’s day and make our world a better place.

💜 Be Present - Make the effort and visit friends and family. I love my family and friends so much, and try to make the effort on a regular basis.

💜. Wrap someone in a hug- We all love that feeling of someone’s arms around us, to show that you care, or a kind gesture to show you appreciate someone, or simply smile at someone.

💜. Send Peace - to those suffering in war torn countries, especially this time of year. It breaks my heart to think about these innocent families, suffering daily.

💜 Donate food - to the homeless and poor. Supermarkets usually have a box to donate food, and remember not all homeless people are on drugs or alcoholics.

Don’t forget to look after your own health and well-being. Eat well and exercise!

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#wellness #peace #fitnessmotivation #howto #investinyourself #foodbank #thanksgiving #helpothers #loveeachother

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Dubai Body Reset Health Retreat

With its hot and dry desert climate, it's never cold in Dubai, even approaching the winter months. October tends to be very warm and dry, temperatures ranging from 22°C to 35°C. Exercising in the warmth of the sunshine never feels that hard!

Experience all that Dubai has to offer in this spacious 5 bedroom/6 bath villa, equipped with its own PRIVATE BEACH, private gardens, and swimming pool. The villa itself offers 500 m² of luxurious space with high-quality furnishings.

The combination of our varied exercise programme coupled with a healthy, organic, natural diet, will help restore your health and overall wellbeing. You will also have the afternoons free to relax as you wish. 

Find out more about our Dubai retreat.