Healthy Mind and Body Programs for Schools
Treehouse Method works with teachers and parents promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing in schools. As well as increasing young peoples opportunities and choices in life.
Promoting Positive Mind and Body as a core role in education helps students develop and grow in all areas of their life.
Build resilience against adversity
Flourish in their education journey
Develop protective factors from mental ill-health
Provide them with skills and confidence to self-seek help for early intervention.
Creating an environment that encourages conversations, driving positive change and fosters wellbeing for students and teachers. Break down the stigma, change the culture and conversation related to mental health, offering support tools and resources.
Treehouse Method
1 in 8 young people have at least one mental health disorder. Teachers and education professionals are also affected.
Infusing the Treehouse Mind and Body Method helps equip children and teachers with skills to cope with life. Reduce stress, boost immunity, aid memory, concentration, decrease depression and anxiety.
Appreciating what we have. Accepting how things are now. Do things that nourish you. Painting, exercising, walking, talking, singing. Helping your children before it becomes a bigger issue.
“Treehouse Method is a Life Saviour”
Building staff capacity to promote and protect mental health in young people.
When teachers and educators are given the tools to promote and model positive mental health, values and inclusivity, this improves teacher student relationships and builds inclusive and safe school communities to support wellbeing and improved learning outcomes.
A whole school approach involves everyone (schools leaders, teachers, staff and parents) to embed a safe and inclusive learning environments, including:
Social and emotional skills programs
Support for those with additional needs
“Young people are under pressure by Social Media”
Resilience building for students
Ability to cope and thrive in the face of negative events, challenges or adversity. It is a skill that can be developed through:
Positive social connections
Safe environments
Life skills such as positive coping and problem solving skills
Pro-social values
Positive self-regard
Treehouse Method
“MCBT, Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy. ”
Workshop Objectives
Provide knowledge and develop skills.
To provide resources for every course delivered.
To cater for different learning needs and styles.
To provide fun, interactive and hands-on opportunities to enhance learning.
As teachers and practitioners ourselves, we are sensitive to individuals' specific needs and have extensive experience in providing relevant and stimulating activities. Adaptability, flexibility, patience, understanding and communication are all key elements of our work and our skills allow us to adapt to many different situations. Our services can be tailored to meet your needs and requirements – whether you are looking for one session for a single class or a whole day/week event. Sessions can be delivered as workshops throughout the school day, after school clubs, through staff training or as parent and child workshops.
Treehouse Meditation and Pilates
Children’s Meditation and Pilates
Children naturally exercise mindfulness, because they have less mental barriers, and pre-determined beliefs, giving them a naturally pure state of mindfulness. Implementing Treehouse Meditation and Pilates as part of our children’s school day, will teach kids breathing techniques, Mindfulness and calming exercise
Schools in the USA have started to add Meditation to their curriculums with very positive results.
Teacher Training
Give your teachers the tools needed to provide relevant and stimulating activities, to embed into their own lives and the the classroom. Teachers will learn the scientific theory behind Mindfulness and Meditation
Gain a clear understanding of the concept of Neuroplaticity and how we can use Mindfulness and Meditation as a way to rewire our thinking, and manage our stress response.
Practice mindfulness exercises which can be used in the classroom. Learn how to embed mindfulness into the school day
Option to combine workshops.
2 Hour Workshop
Minimum 2 - £300pp
Maximum 8 - £1400 (Group)
Children’s Meditation & Pilates
KS1 & KS2
Implementing Treehouse Meditation and Pilates as part of our children’s school day, will teach kids breathing techniques, Mindfulness and calming exercise, to manage their own mental health.
‘Rest and Digest’ and ‘Fight or Flight’
Children will gain an understanding of the scientific theory behind the practice of mindfulness and meditation and gain tools needed to it into their own lives. They will gain an understanding of the basic principles of the nervous system and learn the difference between ‘Rest and Digest’ and ‘Fight or Flight’
One hour Workshop - £200 2-4 Workshops £180 per Workshop
Teen Meditation & Pilates
Implementing Treehouse Meditation and Pilates as part of our children’s school day, will teach teens breathing techniques, Mindfulness and calming exercise, to manage their own mental health. Learn to embed into their school and home lives.
Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System
Teenagers will gain an understanding the basics of the Autonomic Nervous System and the difference between the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems.
Identify stressors in their lives and the impact this can have on their body physiologically. Learn simple breathing and movements
Gain a clear understanding of the concept of Neuroplasticity and how we can use mindfulness and meditation as a way to rewire our thinking patterns.
One hour Workshop - £200 2-4 Workshops £180 per Workshop
Parent Workshop
Give parents the tools needed to provide relevant and stimulating activities for their children in the home, replacing discipline with a more progressive and effective technique and regain mutual respect with your children.
1 Hour Workshop
Minimum 2 - £250pp
Maximum 8 - £1000 (Group)
Benefits of Meditation for Children
1. EnhanceD Focus
Children are distracted by gadgets, technology and social media, emotionally and mentally their brains are juggling many different thoughts. We want our children to focus,and solve problems, whether it be in lessons, after school with homework, or eating with the family. Meditation changes brain patterns and heightens mental focus that may improve cognitive performance.
2. Develops Self-Esteem And Self-Love
Growing up can be tough, especially during puberty, which can knock our children’s confidence and self esteem, making them feel like they are not good enough. Insecurities from situations can imprint negativity. Treehouse Meditation and Pilates can help children feel secure and transform self doubt, as children learn to relax, feel happy and experience inner peace and self love.
3. Relieves Stress For Peak Performance
Children can experience stress from school work, peer pressure, home life, which can affect their health and well being, physically and mentally. A calm mind, leads to a calm body, reducing tension and helping us to perform at our peak. Treehouse Meditation helps children to refocus, which can positively impact their school work and social performance. More schools are incorporating meditation in their learning programs, and it’s only a matter of time that meditation becomes a norm for education programs.
4.Emotional Happiness
Children sometimes have to face, living in unsettled homes with a fear of not being accepted, causing frustration and distress. This can all have long term repercussions. The two main components of meditation are mindfulness and self awareness. Treehouse Meditation and Pilates help with problem solving, patience, acing fears and consequently helping children to overcome any negative emotions.
5. Enhances Empathy And Connectedness
Regular Mindful Meditation builds self love and compassion, improving children’s attention span and their ability to focus It’s commonly known that meditation increases compassion — Scientific evidence shows how mindfulness meditation increases kindness and connectivity in adults and children.
Techniques for Children
Dedicate a special area, free from distractions and comfortable at home or in school for regular meditation sessions.
Schedule a daily quiet time, start with 5 minutes and gradually increase.
Children learn well with fun activities. Play games, calm music or breathing exercises.
Walk around a park, beach or mountain and appreciatie the surroundings.
Reflect in silence.