Important Breathing Techniques for Coronavirus


We want to strengthen our lungs before we get sick. When we get sick, we tend to lie down on our backs, which is not good for Coronavirus as it can get into your lungs and make your lungs weaker. The bottom part of your lungs can collapse if the virus gets in there which will cause more inflammation and worsen things much quicker, which is called ACTELECTASIS

Lungs work in the back part of our bodies.

  1. You have to get up and move - Walk around.

  2. Expand the lungs - Breathing techniques.  

  3. Hydrate - Virus do not live well in a hydrated body.

Techniques to aid recovery from a respiratory infection like Covid 19

Lay on tummy prone as laying on bank lungs collapse, restricted breathing 

Self Proning - Laying on tummy, increases the oxygen saturation in the blood within minutes, if we are on laying on our backs in a Supine position, the lungs collapse and breathing is restricted.

  • Laying prone is done in intensive care to maximise chance of recovery 

  • Breathing exercises can make your lungs more efficient 

    When you breathe efficiently, your diaphragm does about 80% of the work to move oxygen and other gases in and out of your lungs. When you have had an illness like Covid 19, your lungs lose some of their springiness meaning they don’t take oxygen in or let waste gases out as effectively, and air gets trapped in our lungs

    .Over time, the diaphragm works less effectively and we get less well oxygenated air into our lungs. We start to use other muscles around our neck and shoulders to help get more air in. Using these other muscles leads to several problems – lower oxygen levels generally and less air getting to the bases of our lungs where the lung volume is greatest. When the air fails to reach the bases of our lungs, the alveoli, the small air sacks where the lungs and blood stream exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, deflate and collapse, a condition known as atelectasis.

Vitamin D Deficiency in Covid

Vitamin D also known as the Sunshine Vitamin.

Produced by the body in response to the skin exposed to sunlight ☀️

Many of us are lacking Vitamin D due to lockdown Deficiency in Vitamin D can impair bone mineralisation lead to bone softening diseases like osteoporosis.


Vitamin D has several important functions.

☀️Regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus

☀️Facilitating normal immune system function.

☀️Helps fight disease

☀️Reduces depression - regulates mood

Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.

Food sources of vitamin D

Few foods contain vitamin D naturally. Because of this, some foods are fortified. This means that vitamin D has been added. Foods that contain vitamin D include:

☀️Oily fish - Salmon, sardines, mackerel

☀️ Eggs - yolk


☀️Soy milk




Fortified - Cereal, milk, yoghurt, orange juice

🍌 Bananas play an important part in activating Vitamin D

It can be hard to get enough vitamin D each day through sun exposure and food alone, so taking vitamin D supplements can help.

#vitaminddeficiency #vitamind #sandydonnelly #virtualretreat #successwithsandy

Thai curry soup

Thai Curry Soup



2 cups water and stock

1 Carrot

1 cup cabbage

1 red bell pepper.

1 courgette cubed.

1 onion.

1 lime

1 chilli

Fresh coriander


#thaisoup #vitamix #thaicurrysoup

Sandy Donnelly
Super Seeds. Benefits of Healthy Seeds

These are a few of my favourite things. Nutritional Powerhouses. Small but Mighty. Rich in nutrients, fibre and heart-healthy Omega 3. Chia, Hemp, Flax are super seeds. Benefits include, boosted immunity, and lower blood pressure. Add Super Seeds to smoothies, salads, cereal to boost fibre and make your diet a lot healthier.


CACAO - Raw cacao and flavonoid-rich chocolate have been linked with heart health benefits including increasing the good form of cholesterol (HDL ) packed with flavonoids. These nutrients that have been shown to help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart, and aid in preventing blood clots. #cacao #cacaobenefits


HEMP SEEDS - The most complete food in the world. 65% Globulin plays a part in both natural and acquired immunity and used when creating antibodies. Vitamin E , Omega 3&6 fatty acids. High quality protein. #hempseeds #hempbenefits


CHIA SEEDS - Rich in vit B like calcium copper and zinc and antioxidants which strengthen the immune system. fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of high-quality protein, and several essential minerals and antioxidants. Aid Digestion blood levels of heart-healthy omega-3s, and risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. #chiaseeds #chiaseedsbenefits


FLAXSEEDS- Provides healthful fat, antioxidants, Omega 3 and fibre. Helps reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and aids digestion #flaxseeds #flaxseedbenefits

#goodseeds #sandydonnelly #successwithsandy #virtualhealthretreat

Employee Wellbeing Virtual Retreat

Employee Wellbeing Virtual Retreat

Manage your employees Mental Health and Well-being.

Bespoke program tailored for your company.

Transform your team as we create support networks.

Flexible programme. Half or full day.

• De-stressing techniques

• Mindfulness and meditation, finding coping mechanisms.

• Positive posture Pilates - Improve your core.

• Energy slump - overcome the afternoon slump.

#mindfulnessatwork #employeehealthandwellness #mentalhealthtips #covid19innovation #covid19awareness #covidvaccine

Sandy Donnelly
Best Healthy Aubergine Soup

Seriously my favourite healthy soup. I made this by using veg left in my fridge and was pleasantly delighted with the result.

Smooth taste like mushrooms but no mushrooms used! Aubergines are an excellent source of dietary fibre. They are also a good source of vitamins B1 and B6 and potassium. In addition it is high in the minerals copper, magnesium and manganese.

Aubergine Soup

Aubergine Soup

How do I make it?



Aubergine, Carrots and Onion

Boil cabbage in stock

Add roast veg, simmer for 20 Mins

Blend and serve.


Winter warming soup


#wintersoup #auberginesoup #tastysoup #healthysoup #sandydonnelly

Virtual Wellness Retreat Itinerary


We will juice together and drink together! (5 fresh Juices)

8am - 9.30am Welcome chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Journaling and Juice making. (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Pilates - Focus on the core and Posture

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Power Juice

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about and write down your goals. Weight loss, Health, Increase Energy. Clear your Mind. 3pm - Cleansing Juice

4-4.30pm Power Pilates

4.45-5.30pm - Condition your Nutrition Workshop, includes making No Bake Energy Balls . Natural Face mask

5.30pm - Stress Relief Juice

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind


We will juice and eat together.

8am - 9.30am Morning Chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Staying motivated. Journaling Make an Immune Boosting Soup (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Body Balance - Blend of Yoga and Pilates

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Immune Boosting Soup

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about how you are feeling, read a book, put your phone away for 2 hours 3pm - Cleansing Juice and energy ball.

4-4.45pm Dynamic Pilates and stretching

4.45-5.30pm - Action Plan Your health journey Nourish your Body and Mind - Dinner - We will make an easy to prepare super healthy and tasty dinner together and eat together too.

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind

To continue your journey, you will receive daily motivational texts, tips and support for a week.

Virtual Health and Wellbeing Retreat

Use the Pandemic as an Opportunity to Recharge with a Detox and Cleanse for your Body and Mind and kickstart your health journey.

2 day Virtual Wellness Retreat For YOU
Virtual Weekend Health Retreat

Join us from the comfort of your home for 2 days.

We will juice, eat, exercise and meditate together.

Approx 4 hours each day

Full itinerary below.


Virtual Weekend Health Retreat Join us from the comfort of your home for 2 days aimed at helping you detox and recharge. We will juice, eat, exercise and meditate together. Approx 4 hours each day The retreats offer a guided deep detox alongside live classes, educational talks, coaching workshops and fitness sessions

Only £75 for 2 days plus full support to continue your health journey for a week.

If you are struggling to kickstart your health regime, this retreat will motivate and guide you. Limited places. Live Via Zoom

Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st January

Saturday 20th and 21st February

Payment in full via Paypal or BACS

BACS £75

HSBC. AC: 51366912 SORTCODE: 40-03-33

#virtualhealthretreat #virtualwellnessretreat #sandydonnelly #juicechallenge #healthretreat



We will juice together and drink together! (5 fresh Juices)

8am - 9.30am Welcome chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Journaling and Juice making. (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Pilates - Focus on the core and Posture

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Power Juice

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about and write down your goals. Weight loss, Health, Increase Energy. Clear your Mind. 3pm - Cleansing Juice

4-4.30pm Power Pilates

4.45-5.30pm - Condition your Nutrition Workshop, includes making No Bake Energy Balls . Natural Face mask

5.30pm - Stress Relief Juice

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind



We will juice and eat together.

8am - 9.30am Morning Chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Staying motivated. Journaling Make an Immune Boosting Soup (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Body Balance - Blend of Yoga and Pilates

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Immune Boosting Soup

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about how you are feeling, read a book, put your phone away for 2 hours 3pm - Cleansing Juice and energy ball.

4-4.45pm Dynamic Pilates and stretching

4.45-5.30pm - Action Plan Your health journey Nourish your Body and Mind - Dinner - We will make an easy to prepare super healthy and tasty dinner together and eat together too.

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind

To continue your journey, you will receive daily motivational texts, tips and support for a week.

PSYCHOLOGICAL adaptions to Help you thrive through covid-19

The pandemic will have a significant impact upon the mental health of employees. It is very possible that these mental health implications will be felt for many months or even years. As early as two weeks into lockdown, employees were reporting a range of health effects including negative impacts on mental health and overall well-being.

Work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounts for 44% of work-related ill health

As well as sickness absence, poor mental health at work can lead to increased staff turnover and reduced engagement.

DBC Health offer:
Individual COVID-19 employee risk assessments
Identify and protect ‘highly vulnerable’ employees within overall higher risk population. Personalised reports for employees, managers and HR leaders advising how to manage and reassure employees 
