Posts tagged schedule
Virtual Wellness Retreat Itinerary


We will juice together and drink together! (5 fresh Juices)

8am - 9.30am Welcome chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Journaling and Juice making. (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Pilates - Focus on the core and Posture

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Power Juice

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about and write down your goals. Weight loss, Health, Increase Energy. Clear your Mind. 3pm - Cleansing Juice

4-4.30pm Power Pilates

4.45-5.30pm - Condition your Nutrition Workshop, includes making No Bake Energy Balls . Natural Face mask

5.30pm - Stress Relief Juice

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind


We will juice and eat together.

8am - 9.30am Morning Chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Staying motivated. Journaling Make an Immune Boosting Soup (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Body Balance - Blend of Yoga and Pilates

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Immune Boosting Soup

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about how you are feeling, read a book, put your phone away for 2 hours 3pm - Cleansing Juice and energy ball.

4-4.45pm Dynamic Pilates and stretching

4.45-5.30pm - Action Plan Your health journey Nourish your Body and Mind - Dinner - We will make an easy to prepare super healthy and tasty dinner together and eat together too.

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind

To continue your journey, you will receive daily motivational texts, tips and support for a week.