Posts in Health Retreat
Be Kind

Millions of Christians all over the world will be marking the start of an important period of time on 22 February 2023 - the festival of Lent.

That is because it is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent in Western Christian churches.

DBC Health Retreats

Maybe a little abstinence will do me some good.

By mid-February, our New Year's resolutions are ancient history. Along comes Ash Wednesday and, well, it's like a reprieve. We get a second chance to discipline some weakness or form a new habit. Another opportunity to improve our flagging self-respect!

During Lent, many people decide to give something up that they love - perhaps chocolate, sweets or even using social media.

Others might decide to take up something, like helping out more with chores at home or making an effort to do nice things for their family and friends.

So let’s be kind and better people.

1. Smile and be positive

2. Acknowledge other people

3. Be a good listener

4. Be courteous, polite and helpful

5. Smile

6. Practice empathy

7. Never speak ill of others when they aren't around.

8. Be humble

9. Be sincere

10. Offer forgiveness


#benice #selfdiscipline #bekind


Improve your health from inside, out!

Avoid ultra processed foods.

The microbiome consists of TRILLIONS of living microbes inside your gut. These little mood elevators work around the clock producing happy-chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. Making sure that you have a diverse and thriving microbiome can help not only with your mental health, but can prevent things like the urge to over-eat, and can help regulate your digestive system.

1. Make sure to eat your vegetables!

2. Cut out sugar and avoid processed foods

3. Probiotics are great for your gut

4. Avoid Antibiotics

5. Stock up on dietary sources of prebiotics

6. Fermented Foods are gut-friendly

7. Try to cut back on the red meat

8. Get enough sleep

9. Exercise

10. Make time for you!

#microbiomes #guthealth #dbchealthretreat #sandydonnelly #improveyourhealth

Valentines Gift of Health

Give the Gift of Health this Valentines.

Canary Isle Health Retreat

Pilates & Hiking coupled with a delicious plant based diet and plenty of rest in the sun.

Only £780 Single room

£580 Shared twin room

Or bring a friend £1000 for 2!

Flights excluded but cheap £60

Deposit £250 secure your place.

Suitable for all levels, do as much or as little as you wish.

Afternoons free to chill.

#valentinesgift #valentinesday #giftofhealth #canaryislandsretreat #dbchealthretreat #sandydonnelly #boutiqueretreats #pilatesretreat #hikingretreat #girlsweekend #retreatyourself

Mind Body and Soul Health Retreats

Passionate advocate for healthy living, female entrepreneurship and empowerment. Sandy is an accomplished Health and Wellbeing Practitioner, owner of DBC Health Retreats Weightloss & Fitness- Sandy Donnelly inspired by her love of helping people achieve their goals and live healthier more fulfilling lives.

A thought leader in Women Empowerment, Sandy works internationally providing educational programmes for women leaders and entrepreneurs, acting as a mentor to accomplished and high profile women in business and offers Restorative Transformational Mind, Body and Soul Health Retreats and bespoke holistic programs to optimise health, energy and wellbeing.


#womenwarriorsnetwork #healthretreat #dbchealth #HealthyLiving #healthyholiday

Mind Body & Soul Health Retreats

Mind Body & Soul Health Retreats

Healthy Valentines Gift


VIP 1-2-1

Resilience Health Retreat

Structured to help people improve their ability to overcome challenges through the pandemic and create a personal plan to optimise their lives by achieving better Mental and Physical Health


2 Hour interactive Zoom


• Resilience Exercises

• Juice Benefits

• Pilates

• Condition your Nutrition

• Personal Plan

Special offer £100 OFF


#valentinesgifts #healthgoals #resiliencetraining #detoxyourbody #ValentinesDay2021

Juice Detox Virtual Retreat

Transform your health by getting a juicer! Juicing is the fastest way to get nutrients into your body Juicing increases consumption of fruits and vegetables, and enhanced absorption of nutrients and minerals. Juicing extracts all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables for you, saving your body energy because it doesn’t have to break down all the food itself.  It can absorb the juice quickly and use its saved energy to heal and repair. Even if you already follow a healthy diet, juicing makes sure your cells and blood are getting all they need to stay clean, hydrated and nourished.


Green Machine

Aids digestion, weight loss, boosts immunity and reduces inflammation

  • Kale

  • 2 Green Apples

  • 2 Sticks of Celery

  • 1 Cucumber



Rich in Vitamins, Beta-Carotenes and Anti Oxidants that cleanse the digestive system from toxins

  • 3 Carrots

  • 2 apples

  • 1-2 Inch Ginger



Vitamin C boost Immunity, natural antibiotic that improves liver function, relieves constipation, and can help dissolve kidney and gall stones.

  • 2 Apples

  • 2 Inch Ginger

  • Lemon


Detox heart, Spinach full of Vit K, supports bone health, reduce high sugar and blood pressure.

  • 1 Cucumber

  • 1/4 Lemon

  • 2 Pears

  • Spinach


Fire it up!

Beetroot cleanses the blood, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure, Iron, Vitamin C, numerous health benefits.

  • 2-3 Raw Beets

  • 2 Apples

  • 1/4 Lemon

Virtual Health and Wellbeing Retreat

Use the Pandemic as an Opportunity to Recharge with a Detox and Cleanse for your Body and Mind and kickstart your health journey.

2 day Virtual Wellness Retreat For YOU
Virtual Weekend Health Retreat

Join us from the comfort of your home for 2 days.

We will juice, eat, exercise and meditate together.

Approx 4 hours each day

Full itinerary below.


Virtual Weekend Health Retreat Join us from the comfort of your home for 2 days aimed at helping you detox and recharge. We will juice, eat, exercise and meditate together. Approx 4 hours each day The retreats offer a guided deep detox alongside live classes, educational talks, coaching workshops and fitness sessions

Only £75 for 2 days plus full support to continue your health journey for a week.

If you are struggling to kickstart your health regime, this retreat will motivate and guide you. Limited places. Live Via Zoom

Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st January

Saturday 20th and 21st February

Payment in full via Paypal or BACS

BACS £75

HSBC. AC: 51366912 SORTCODE: 40-03-33

#virtualhealthretreat #virtualwellnessretreat #sandydonnelly #juicechallenge #healthretreat



We will juice together and drink together! (5 fresh Juices)

8am - 9.30am Welcome chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Journaling and Juice making. (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Pilates - Focus on the core and Posture

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Power Juice

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about and write down your goals. Weight loss, Health, Increase Energy. Clear your Mind. 3pm - Cleansing Juice

4-4.30pm Power Pilates

4.45-5.30pm - Condition your Nutrition Workshop, includes making No Bake Energy Balls . Natural Face mask

5.30pm - Stress Relief Juice

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind



We will juice and eat together.

8am - 9.30am Morning Chat. Hot Water and Lemon. Staying motivated. Journaling Make an Immune Boosting Soup (Ingredients will be sent prior)

9.30-10.15am - Body Balance - Blend of Yoga and Pilates

10.30am - Revitalising Juice

11am - Go out for a Mindful Walk

1pm - Immune Boosting Soup

Relax, take time for yourself. Think about how you are feeling, read a book, put your phone away for 2 hours 3pm - Cleansing Juice and energy ball.

4-4.45pm Dynamic Pilates and stretching

4.45-5.30pm - Action Plan Your health journey Nourish your Body and Mind - Dinner - We will make an easy to prepare super healthy and tasty dinner together and eat together too.

5.45pm - Calming herbal tea. Face Mask and Meditation to Calm the Mind

To continue your journey, you will receive daily motivational texts, tips and support for a week.