Work Related Stress

​Alleviate work related stress

We deliver exceptional, educational, interactive, fun workshops for your employees.


Mindfulness based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help Life and Work balance.

Mental Health Awareness is increasing. It pays to be aware of good mental health practice.

40% off June workshops

#mentalhealthawarenessweek #mindfulness #stressrelief #successfulwomen

#mentalhealthawareness #successwithsandy #cbt #healthretreat #mindfulnessretreat

Work Related Stress

​Alleviate work related stress

We deliver exceptional, educational, interactive, fun workshops for your employees.


Mindfulness based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help Life and Work balance.

Mental Health Awareness is increasing. It pays to be aware of good mental health practice.

40% off June workshops

#mentalhealthawarenessweek #mindfulness #stressrelief #successfulwomen

#mentalhealthawareness #successwithsandy #cbt #healthretreat #mindfulnessretreat

Pilates Reformer Sandy Donnelly

​Weighted arm and leg straps to add resistance

The carriage moves organically with you to build strength, sculpt and tone 💪🏼

Improve postural issues and alleviate chronic neck and back pain

Very effective, hard but fun workout


Intro offer £50 for 2 sessions





#pilatesreforner #londonpilates #successwithsandy #coventgardenpilates #mentalhealthawareness #mindfulnessretreat

Mental Health Awareness

Over 11 million days are lost at work a year because of stress in the workplace. Employers have a legal duty to protect employees from stress at work. 



What are you already doing? 

Understanding what work-related stress is and what can cause it.

Lunch and Learn Workshops

■ Responding to a pattern of increased absence due to work- related stress

■ Checking fit notes, and talking to employees

■ Looking for signs of stress in employees

■ Talking to employees

■ Meeting with staff and clients to agree timings etc for projects

■ Monitoring workloads

■ Planning work to minimise excessive



Poor mental health is now the number one reason for staff absence. Our workshops offers cost-effective ways to promote wellbeing in your workplace

We have a range of Health & Well-being Workshops to choose from.

You choose the date, duration and location of the course, and we come to you.

Prices are dependent on your sector and training requirements with reduced rates for charity.

All you need is:

  • A suitable area for 15

  • Projector

  • A flip chart with pens / white board



Main areas that can lead to work-related stress if they are not managed properly. 

For example:

  • Demands of their jobs

  • Work overload

  • Lack of support from HR/Managers

  • Relationships at work, or are being bullied

  • Unclear of role and responsibilities

Stress affects people differently – what stresses one person may not affect another. Factors like skills and experience, age or disability may all affect whether an employee can cope.


• Line managers,

• HR teams

• Employees

Promoting mental wellbeing in the workplace 

  • Managing mental health at work

  • Mental health awareness

  • Customer support and mental health

  • Emotional intelligence and resilience


Social workers, teachers and care givers care wanting greater awareness of their own and others' mental health.

  • Mental health awareness

  • Mental health and how to support someone

  • Students and mental health

  • Emotional intelligence and resilience


  • How chronic stress can lead to anxiety disorders, depression
    and/or physical illness

  • How to identify important stress warning signals – before it’s too late

  • A toolkit of proven, easy-to-learn, stress busting techniques

  • How to create a mentally healthier working environment that
    immediately improves wellbeing in the workplace and helps prevent mental health problems

  • Practical steps you can implement straightaway – of what people need to avoid mental health problems

​As a result, efficiency improves, sick leave and staff turnover are reduced and overall productivity and profit are optimised: a win-win situation.


Stress busters

  • Physical strategies to calm your mind and help you think more clearly

  • Changing what you can; accepting what you can’t

  • How to deal with tyrants, bullies and emotional abuse

  • Energy management: learning to align focus and effort with meaningful purpose

  • Understanding and overcoming performance anxiety

  • How to avoid work stress spilling over into your personal life

Sandy Donnelly
Snack Smart

​Snack to regulate blood sugar levels and stave hunger but choose GOOD HEALTHY SNACKS


Snacks should give you energy.



• Edamame

• Chia Pudding

• Hummus

• Boiled eggs

• Smoothie


BAD SNACKS • Veg crisps

• Rice cakes

• Energy Bars

Watch out for hidden fats and sugars

#successwithsandy #eatsmarter #healthysnacks #bloodsugarbalance #readthelabel #snackideas

Sandy Donnelly
Invitation Cyprus Retreat Yoga, Pilates, Meditation Therapists

Yoga, Pilates meditation Therapists Invitation Cyprus Retreat

We are all working toward the same quest of better health and our goal is to bring practitioners and guests together so we can all learn from each other and develop ourselves and our relationships.

Unique opportunity to participate in our Body Reset & Renew Health Retreat that supports your wellbeing. Detox and Cleanse Menu in Cyprus


You are offered the retreat at a £250 discount in return for delivering 1-2 sessions of your speciality area.

Inspirational workshops, fitness and diet if you are looking for:

  • Education
  • Weight Loss
  • Inspiration
  • Ideas
  • Rejuvenation

The Retreat is facilitated by accredited Master Trainer Sandy Donnelly who has been delivering Health Retreats for over 10 years


5 Day Retreat includes all meals, juices and workshops.


  • Over 20 hours of Activity over 5 Days
  • Connect with nature by the sea and mountains 
  • Rest and rejuvenate (afternoons free)
  • 3- 4 Hour Aphrodite Trail
  • Meditation sessions
  • Mindfulness
  • Delicious organic meals
  • Educational workshops
  • Shared twin rooms (single supplement available)
  • Fresh Juices, water, herbal teas and snacks
  • Transfers from Paphos Airport

Places are limited to 3 therapists as we like to keep our groups small to ensure full benefits and personal interaction.

Flights excluded

Summer Salad

​Bulgar Wheat & Lentil Salad


Blend together

• Fresh Lemon

• Olive Oil

• Black Pepper

• Fresh Coriander

#healthretreats #successwithsandy #summersalad #bulgarwheat #corianderleaves #loseweightfast

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT

What it is?

 (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave to help treat anxiety and depression, and other mental and physical health problems.

How CBT works

Based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle. CBT aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts, teaching you how to change these negative patterns to improve the way you feel.

Unlike some other talking treatments, CBT deals with your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past.



EFFECTIVE way of treating a number of different mental health conditions.

In addition to depression or anxiety disorders, CBT can also help people with:

• Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

• ​Panic disorder

• ​Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Phobias

• Eating disorders 

• sleep problems – insomnia

• Problems related to alcohol misuse

CBT is also sometimes used to treat people with long-term health conditions, such as:

• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

• Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

Although CBT can't cure the physical symptoms of these conditions, it can help people cope better with their symptoms.


What happens during CBT sessions

If CBT is recommended, you'll usually have a session with a therapist once a week or once every 2 weeks.

Recommended between 5 and 20 sessions, with each session lasting 30 to 60 minutes.

•  Work with your therapist to break down your problems, such as your thoughts, physical feelings and actions.

• Analyse these areas to work out if they're unrealistic or unhelpful, and to determine the effect they have on each other and on you.

• Work out how to change unhelpful thoughts and behaviours.

• Practise these changes in your daily life and you'll discuss how you got on during the next session.

The eventual aim of therapy is to teach you to apply the skills you have learnt during treatment to your daily life.

 (CBT) can be as effective as medication in treating some mental health problems, but it may not be successful or suitable for everyone.

Some of the advantages of CBT include:

• Medication alone hasn't worked

• it can be completed in a relatively short period of time compared with other talking therapies

• Highly structured nature of CBT means it can be provided in different formats, including in groups, self-help books and apps 

• Teaches useful and practical strategies that can be used in everyday life

Some of the disadvantages of CBT to consider include:

• You need to commit yourself to the process to get the most from it – a therapist can help and advise you, but they need your co-operation

• Attending regular CBT sessions and carrying out any extra work between sessions can take up a lot of your time

• It may not be suitable for people with more complex mental health needs or learning difficulties, as it requires structured sessions

• It involves confronting your emotions and anxieties – you may experience initial periods where you're anxious or emotionally uncomfortable

it focuses on the person's capacity to change themselves (their thoughts, feelings and behaviours) 

Some critics also argue that because CBT only addresses current problems and focuses on specific issues, it doesn't address the possible underlying causes of mental health conditions, such as an unhappy childhood.y



We don’t Just Juice

We don’t‘Just Juice’ on our Health Retreats

You will eat a delicious healthy balanced diet to ensure a good Detox and Cleanse

Yes you will be served fresh juice too 🍊🥬🍒@mamakscoldpressed

Combined with Pilates, Yoga and meditation our Cyprus Retreats with small groups are a great way to kickstart your way to a healthier life.

You will return feeling lighter, renewed and relaxed.

We have a Body Reset Retreat

May 15-20

June 19-23

Both Cyprus

£650  plus flights

Bring a friend £550pp

#successwithsandy #fitforsummer #juiceretreat #affordableretreats #sunnyretreat #bodyresetretreat #weightlossretreat #juicecleanse

Sandy Donnelly
Fibromyalgia Treatment

​Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body.


• Increased sensitivity to pain

• Extreme tiredness

• Muscle stiffness

• Difficulty sleeping

• Memory and concentration

• Headaches

• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)


Currently no cure but there are treatments to help relieve some of the symptoms and make the condition easier to live with.

• Medication

• Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and counselling

• Lifestyle changes, such as exercise and relaxation

Exercise in particular has been found to have a number of important benefits for people with fibromyalgia, including helping to reduce pain.

What causes fibromyalgia?

The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, but it's thought to be related to abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and changes in the way the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) processes pain messages carried around the body.

• Genetics

• Physical or emotional stressful event, such as:

• Injury or infection

• Childbirth

• Breakdown of a relationship

• Death

Who's affected?

• 7 times as many women as men.

• Ages of 30 and 50

1 in 20 people may be affected but fibromyalgia can be a difficult condition to diagnose.


#fibromyalgia #employeerewards