Posts tagged fitness mot
Fitness Health MOT Gift

What is your current Fitness and Health level?

Can you walk up a flight of stairs without getting breathless?

Hold a plank for more than 45 Seconds?

Touch your toes?

Why age before your time. A few simple non invasive tests can help to determine your fitness/health level and improve your wellbeing.

We offer basic testing and a more advanced assessment, with both options you will receive a personalised report and action plan.




Fitness Testing

  • Lower Body - The leg strength assessment evaluates the lower body’s ability to generate maximal force. The hip complex, quadriceps and core muscles all contract in unison to create force. This is important to the Health Fitness Assessment as the ability of the lower body to create force is undeniably important in multiple ways. Lower body strength relates to articulation of motion and the ability to safely balance and maintain equilibrium.

  • Upper Body - Push-Up assessment creates understanding of the upper body’s ability to create force. Body-weight exercise which means that the amount of weight on the joints is safe and generally consistent for testing. Push-Ups also involve compound motion, which means that more than one joint is being utilised, the shoulders, elbows, and wrists.

  • Core Strength - control and endurance of the back and core stabilising muscles of the abdominals.

  • Aerobic Endurance - The 3-Minute Step Test measures your aerobic(cardiovascularfitness level based on how quickly your heart rate returns to normal after exercise.

  • Flexibility Test - Sit and Reach. The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility, and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. This test is important as because tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain

    Body Mass Index - The body mass index, or BMI, is a calculation used to determine your level of body fat. Generally, if you’re at a healthy weight, your body mass index should fall between 18.5 and 24.9, If your BMI is below 18.5, you could be underweight. On the other hand, a BMI greater than 25.0 is categorised as overweight, while a score above 30 is considered obese.

  • Personalised report and action plan - 3 Days after the assessment.



    Fitness Testing and BMI as above

  • Lifestyle Assessment Test- Focus on common health issues and lifestyle. Examining a clients lifestyle becomes imperative in a health-promotion and disease-prevention practice, by examining the strengths and weaknesses of a clients health behaviours.

  • Personalised Report, Action Plan and 4 week fitness program - 3 days after assessment. 4 Week personalised Fitness Plan with email/text support