Manage Stress eating during lockdown

Develop a better relationship with food. Many people are feeling the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, gaining weight, choosing less healthier options and drinking alcohol more often.

Stuck in the home, many are stress eating, out of boredom or frustration to cope with our emotions. We will get through this, it would be great to have lost a little weight and improved our fitness.

Healthy snacks Choose snacks high in protein, to help regulate appetite.
Nuts, Zucchini fries, dips with veggie sticks, Greek yoghurt with berries

Reduce Alcohol. Alcohol is energy dense, with no nutritional benefits. Limit alcohol to 2-3 drinks. Once or twice a week. Opt for clear spirits with tonic or sparkling water and fresh or frozen fruit.

Increase Activity Exercise 3-5 times weekly. Brisk walks, follow online fitness in the home, add variety. Pilates, weights etc

Join my personalised Lockdown lose pounds program. Easy to follow, weekly weigh in, personalised Weightloss plan and support.

Lockdown Lose Pounds

Sandy Donnelly