Bad Fats Vs Good Fats
Reduce BAD FATS While Strategically Cutting Back On #carbohydrates
Bad Fats will result in increased fat gains.
The body will typically burn carbohydrates for fuel and use protein for repair. Therefore, it makes sense to cut back on bad fat while increasing GOOD FATS such as #omega3 and #omega6 FATTY ACIDS will have a fat-burning effect, as they enhance #metabolicfunction (the metabolic rate is an indicator of how the body uses stored energy). Strategically cutting back on carbohydrates means eating specific carbs at certain times to achieve a fat-burning effect. COMPLEX CARBS will generally maximize the fat-burning effect because they stimulate the metabolism without causing the outpouring of insulin, which causes greater fat storage.
Brown rice, beans, oats, and potatoes,
SIMPLE SUGARS - short burst carbs are to be avoided during a fat loss phase, as they can cause a large insulin spike and result in fat gains.
FIBRE - high-wheat foods and certain fruits and vegetables, is an important one for fat loss because it increases feelings of fullness and pushes fat through the system to be eliminated.
Best times to eat complex carbohydrates for fat loss are at all meals before 6:00 p.m. Simple carbohydrates can be eaten directly after training, as the body will more readily store them as glycogen, not fat, at this stage. For general health, the recommended intake for fiber is 30 grams per day. For fat loss, an additional 10 grams is advised.
#goodfats #fatloss #stripfat #successwithsandy